"The heart hath its own memory, like the mind."
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

When our thoughts, intentions, and actions align...
When we are honest with ourselves and our responses are wholehearted...
When we have an integration between our mind, body and spirit...
We are in heart and brain coherence.
States of gratitude and kindness increase this coherence, where states of anxiety and anger do the opposite. So, what is this coherence and why do we want it?
Simply put, heart and brain coherence is when our heart, mind, and emotions are all working harmoniously - this is where we build emotional resilience within ourselves. Think about when we get angry - how easy is it to feel like our response is over-reactional or like it's on a runaway train? Once the initial spark is lit, it's hard to stop the reaction until it's gone through its full course. When we exist within coherence, overreactions are much less likely - we have created a foundation for internal stillness.

Some of the benefits of heart and brain coherence include:
Deep inner peace
Decreased stress
Increased unity with ourselves and the external world
Increased energy
Improved mental and physical health
Deeper emotional connections with ourselves and others
Enhanced creativity
Improved sleep
Although it takes some dedication of time, improving heart and brain coherence isn't difficult. Just a few minutes a day can make a huge difference in how we exist within our own worlds. You are probably familiar with most of our suggestions, and may already include them in your daily routines.
The most amazing part is that when our brains and hearts are in coherence, the electromagnetic field sent out by our hearts becomes many times more powerful. We radiate love energy from our hearts and the people around us receive that message, their hearts responding in turn. Our heart energy sends out a ripple effect to all the other hearts around us.
Quite literally, one heart can create a significant change in the world.
